So occasionally, some random stuff drifts behind my eyes, and I think ‘I want to write that somewhere!’ It’s not like I don’t have lots of places to post things with the sites I have now, but I am talking about stuff that just doesn’t fit in Inside Out or Maniacal Writings. Mostly little things that would amount to a paragraph or two, or sometimes funny things that happen during the day with Awesome Axl and his quest to become the fastest and most energetic 2.25 year old on the planet. Some things that happen with code or building sites. Whatever. I just wanted somewhere to throw these things, like a cardboard box full of stuff that is meant to become a scrapbook and never does.

This site was sitting here, growing virtual cobwebs, so why not spew this stuff out here!

I did not want another site to develop and maintain. So this one is very likely going to remain bare bones, naked, less than fancy. So I say now anyway.

I do want to get back to work on Inside Out, and I will, but for now time is against me each and every day and if I am going to grab a moment to write it will usually be late, late at night, when I lack any real mental or creative ability. Inside Out deserves better than that (or maybe it deserves nothing more than to be deleted, I dunno. My opinion changes on that one.) so this will be my place to post random scraps, thoughts and stories.

Let’s see where it goes from here!
