Welcome to what was supposed to be a website! Now I use it to test new software, links to my projects and their various social media accounts. There may be more uses found for it later.
For now this is pretty much just Barry’s Playground!
Internet Dinosaur

Ramblings of an Internet Dinosaur (and I hate old school marketing!)

Ramblings of an Internet Dinosaur (and I hate old school marketing!)by Barry | Dec 27, 2018I started building web sites back in 1998 in notepad. It was a quick addiction: I went to Acadia University as a ‘mature’ (haha yeah right) student with plans to get…

Inside Out - Life Stories
Life Stories from yours truly
Ice & Fire Digital
What I do to buy food…
Maniacal Writings by Barry Veinotte
Stuff that spilled out of my head
Ice & Fire Hosting
Needed more food
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Public Social Media Accounts

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Inside Out

FaceBook: @indsideout.writings

Twitter: @InsideOutBV

Ice & Fire Digital

FaceBook: @iceandfirewebsitedevelopment

Twitter: @iceandfiredevel

Maniacal Writings

FaceBook: ManiacalWritings.Online

Twitter: @ManiacalWords

Barry Veinotte

FaceBook: Personal Account

Twitter: Personal Account (random stuff)

Twitter: Professional Account (boring work related stuff)

Linkedin: barryveinotte

WhatsApp: Barry Veinotte ( or use the QR code above )

This picture is still here because I love it!
My Boy